How to Get Started With PPC for Your Business

In this edition of Digital Marketing Mastery, we discuss why you should get started with PPC for your business today.

About 50% of businesses already leverage pay-per-click or PPC ads, do you?

PPC for online businesses allows you to connect with potential customers on digital platforms. Without it, you can miss out on prospective clients and, ultimately, sales. Your competitors may snag those leads instead.

But to gain these benefits, it is essential to understand how pay-per-click (PPC) marketing works and how you can optimize your PPC advertisements to appeal to your ideal audience and get maximum returns.

Just don't rush into pay-per-click advertising without a plan. Instead, learn how you can incorporate it into your business the right way and reap unlimited benefits.

5 Simple Steps to Start With PPC

Being a professional PPC marketer, you will be paying a fee each time a visitor clicks one of your ads. However, the total ad impressions or conversion rates do not affect the rate, just the clicks for the PPC advertising on search engines. So, you would want to make each click worthwhile. If you are new to PPC advertising, these steps are a perfect guide for starting with PPC marketing basics.

  1. Use the Right Advertising Website
  2. Set the Right Objective For Your PPC Campaigns
  3. Define What Conversions Mean For Your Business
  4. Launch Your PPC Campaigns
  5. Gather The Resulting Data

1. Use the Right Advertising Website

The ultimate goal is to get your ads to reach as many eyes as possible. This requires understanding the needs of your audiences and finding the platforms they visit frequently. Once you have a good idea of who you are targeting, it's time to select a PPC advertising platform that can display your ads to them and help you run a profitable pay-per-click (PPC) campaign.

Anyone who uses the internet also uses Google as their entry point to websites they want to visit. So naturally, this makes the search engine giant the first choice for PPC advertisers. That explains why Google Ads has been leading the PPC industry and has outperformed many competitors.

So, what is Google Ads?

It is an online advertising platform that lets you create targeted online ads displayed above the regular Google search results and in other places across the internet. Through this platform, Google offers you the ability to reach your target audiences when they search for products and services that are similar to yours.

Use the platform to create ads, choose where they appear online, set a budget that suits you, and then measure the results and impact left by your PPC ad. All in all, it is a great way to meet your marketing goals through both display and search networks.

But if Google Ads seem to cast too wide a net, try LinkedIn or Facebook ad platforms as well.

You can also use social networks like LinkedIn for PPC advertising services that target industry professionals and B2B clients. You can run sponsored or dynamic ads on this platform that cater to business-to-business (B2B) companies. However, the highly targeted nature of these ads mandates that you work with a professional pay-per-click advertising company to get help with PPC keyword research and setting up the campaigns.

If you want to sell to a broader or younger market, try Facebook Ads or even TikTok and Twitter advertising. Advertising your product on a social media platform can give you unmatched access to millions of their users. And, if need be, you can easily narrow the campaign audience by demographics like age and location.

2. Set the Right Objective For Your PPC Campaigns

Like any other digital marketing strategy, you can ensure the success of PPC campaigns by setting appropriate, achievable, and intelligent goals. This can help you maintain a proper project workflow that will lead to the success of your campaign. Without setting your objectives, you won't have any criteria to track your progress and measure success.

Determining your PPC business goals can help you get a clearer picture of how to approach the audience. In addition, it gets easier to identify the objectives for your paid ads campaigns and the budget you should dedicate to the campaign.

Answer the following questions during the PPC goal setting session:

  • What am I trying to achieve from my paid ads?
  • What are the essential metrics in my business?
  • What results do you expect?
  • Does my business require leads or sales?

The answers to these questions will guide you towards your goals and help you make the right decisions.

3. Define What Conversions Mean For Your Business

The main aim of any paid search strategy is to get as many conversions as possible. If your campaign cannot get your target audiences to take your desired action, it's useless.

To utilize every penny spent on the PPC campaign, you need to find a way to convince the maximum percentage of your potential customers to take action. This action could be to buy from you, subscribe to your newsletters, give you a call, sign up for a demo, or anything else that could contribute to the growth of your business.

But how do you know if your conversion rate is satisfactory? Is 3%, 5%, or even 10% a good enough conversion rate, or do you need to go higher? Well, across industries, the average conversion rate for landing pages remains 2.35%. However, the top 25% are reaching up to 5.31% or higher conversion rate. So ideally, your campaign is a success if you're among the top 10%, which means that your conversion rates should be 11.45% or higher.

However, conventional wisdom dictates that a reasonable conversion rate should be between 2% to 5%. Therefore, achieving a 2% means you still have a window for improvement to 4% or 5%. It would seem like a massive jump, but a well-planned strategy can help you double your conversion rate in no time!

4. Launch Your PPC Campaigns

Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are an effective way to market your business and increase the conversion rate. The sweet part is that this takes less time than other marketing strategies.

If you have a well-thought-out, structured, and implemented PPC strategy for your campaign, it can get you traffic, leads, and customers almost instantly. In addition, the success or failure of your PPC campaign will give you the direction to make your strategy more effective at getting results. So, even if you don't achieve your goals the first time around, tweak your strategy and try again.

What is PPC without research?


You either waste your money on ineffective PPC or take the time to create a well-thought-out strategy based on undeniable data and maximize your investment. Make sure you do the following before going live with your PPC campaign:

  • Put together your customer persona
  • Research possible keywords
  • Include negative keywords
  • Finalize your budget
  • Write a killer ad copy
  • Include a call to action that can't be ignored
  • Use the necessary ad extensions
  • Build a conversion-optimized landing page
  • Track, correct, improve

5. Gather The Resulting Data

Once your PPC campaign is up and running, your work has just begun. Next, you have to track the progress and see if you're getting the desired conversions rate.

Most PPC platforms give you access to an analytics dashboard where this data is readily available. This makes it relatively easy to determine how many people see the ads versus how many clicks they get.

The analytics will tell you if you need to make any changes in your strategy. For example, if people click the ad, but there are no conversions, your ad isn't speaking to your customers' needs. Or maybe there are some technical issues with your landing page.

Keep monitoring the ads to figure out when and what is making the visitors convert. You can then make changes in your tactics according to the trends.

Call Epitome Digital Marketing For Market-Leading PPC Management Services

With PPC ads, you only have to pay when someone clicks on them, so you don't have to pay exorbitant sums of money just for people to lay their eyes on your advertisements. This is a win-win situation in every way possible, and that's why thousands of online businesses rely on PPC to achieve their marketing objectives.

Here at Epitome Digital Marketing, we can help you create ads that attract people’s attention and make them want to click and explore your offers. So let us help you find new and exciting ways to get your prospective customers to respond to your business; call us today today to get started.

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