Starting a New Business: Steps to Achieving Success in Uncertain Times

During uncertain times can often be the worst time to start a new business.
Let us show you the proper steps to successfully starting a business.

In such uncertain times, many of us have found ourselves at home with a lot of time to think about the future. With the coronavirus restricting us to our homes without much of an idea when life will get back to normal as we know it, you may have found yourself wondering whether or not now is the time to start your own business. It’s even possible that you have already formed your own company and completed the proper steps of registering your business with the local government and secretary of state but don’t know what to do next.

At Epitome Digital Marketing, we believe there is no better time than now to start thinking about how to start your own business. That being said, we are here with the steps you can take to make your dream a reality. When you choose to hire Epitome Digital Marketing to help you start your own business, we’ll make sure that each of these steps are completed with the highest attention to detail. With these steps completed, you’ll be well on your way to operating a successful business in a matter of no time!

  1. Domain Name Registration
  2. Website Development
  3. Search Engine Optimization
  4. Social Media Marketing
  5. Reviews Management
  6. Digital Ads

Starting a New Business: Steps to Achieving Success in Uncertain Times

Step 1 - Domain Name Registration

When starting a new business, the first step you should take involves strengthening your online presence. It is a fact that the first thing a potential customer of yours will do is search for your product or service via the online space. If your website is easy to find and navigate, you will increase your chances of making a sale exponentially. A strong online presence starts with choosing the right domain name for your company website.

Choosing and registering a domain name should not be a hasty decision. Your business’s domain name is both a valuable search and marketing tool that you will use to lead customers to your website and grow the reach of your business. For this reason, you need to be sure that you choose a strong domain name that works for your business. At Epitome Digital Marketing LLC, we can assist you not only with registering your domain name but also in selecting the right one for your business.

Step 2 - Website Development

Having an attractive, responsive, and mobile-friendly website is essential for the success of any business. When starting your own business, it is crucial that you invest in creating a website that operates as the backbone of your company. After all, the point of any good website is to operate as the backbone of a company, new or pre-existing. A high-quality website is also essential regardless of the type of business you are starting whether it be an e-commerce website (such as Shopify or WooCommerce) or an information site (such as a WordPress website).

At Epitome Digital Marketing LLC, we specialize in developing high-quality websites for small to mid-sized business owners. If you are currently in the process of planning the start of your own business, you’ll find yourself in need of the website development services that we supply. Our experts are skilled in creating business websites that offer you all of the benefits of a high-quality website. From mobile-friendliness to a professional appeal, the success of your business is all but ensured when you work with our website developers.

Step 3 - Search Engine Optimization

Of all of the necessary steps to take when starting your own business, proper search engine optimization methods are among the most important. Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is a vital component of modern marketing processes. When your business website is properly optimized for SEO, you are granted a slew of benefits that improve the reach and impact of your business. From making it easier for potential customers to find your business and increasing the awareness of your brand to offering an optimal user experience and building trust in your business, search engine optimization is crucial.

At Epitome Digital Marketing LLC, we build all of our client’s websites with search engine optimization in mind. Aside from optimizing your website for a better presence online, we also specialize in local SEO. If you are looking to get your new business off the ground despite the current impact of the coronavirus, local SEO is crucial to getting your name out to potential customers. If you already have a pre-existing website for your business and want to ensure that it is optimized for SEO, we also offer a free SEO audit that can highlight the areas where your website could be improved.

Step 4 - Social Media Marketing

With so many people confined to their homes in these uncertain times, there has never been a better time to put effort into social media marketing for your new business. After all, we have all found ourselves glued to our phones as of late and this is your best chance to get your business in front of your target audience. Social media marketing is the key to your success.

Social media marketing should be a major component of your overall business marketing strategy. Regardless of whether you are in the early stages of planning your new business or are looking for new ways to increase the awareness of your brand, social media marketing is a place to invest your attention. With more than three billion people around the world using social media each month, it is clear that effective social media marketing strategies are integral to your success as a business.

Epitome Digital Marketing offers social media marketing services that can guarantee you all of the benefits of a strong social media presence. From social media setup on all of the most popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to managed social media posting, our experts will represent your business in a way that leads to more sales and relevant leads. We also offer a FREE social media audit so that businesses can better understand what is and is not working for their business. With this information, we will work to improve your social media engagement across multiple platforms.

Step 5 - Reviews Management

As a business owner, there is one very important fact you should know: most shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase. For this reason, it is vital that you know how to harness user-generated reviews to your advantage to build credibility and increase website conversion rates.

Having a presence on review platforms such as Facebook, Google My Business, and Yelp are vital for showcasing what your current and former customers have to say about your business. When you employ the use of the right reviews management strategies, you can gain more positive reviews and earn your place as a trusted business in your industry.

At Epitome Digital Marketing LLC, we specialize in reviews management strategies that build your reputation as a trusted business. In order to improve website conversions and properly manage your reputation, our experts will use everything we know to highlight the quality of your business’s products and services.

Step 6 - Digital Ads

Finally, the last important step to take when building your new business’s online presence comes in the form of digital ads. When any new business gets started, a business owner’s focus is on how to get their first group of customers through the door. While many new business owners rely on the use of more traditional forms of advertising such as print marketing, there is much to be said about the power of digital ads.

Running digital ads on popular platforms such as Google, Facebook, Bing, and Yelp are essential. If you have been avoiding the use of digital advertisements up to this point, you’ve been missing out on one of the best ways to reach your customer base. After all, your customers can be found online and if you aren’t running high-quality digital ads to grab their attention, you aren’t doing everything you can to build your business. Epitome Digital Marketing has the knowledge of digital advertising practices that you need to see a valuable return for your new business. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your new business!

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